Tag: Salad

Fried pork salad

Fried pork salad

About fried pork salad Fried pork salad is a fresh vegetable salad topped with deep-fried pork and black vinegar dressing on top of it.  Salad with crispy fried pork, served with a refreshing black vinegar dressing to increase your appetite!   All I have to do is prepare the vegetables and dressing 

Tuna potato vegetable salad

Tuna potato vegetable salad

About tuna potato vegetable salad This tuna potato vegetable salad is a fresh vegetable salad mixed with fried potatoes and topped with seasoned tuna.  It’s a little different from a usual salad, but I make it regularly because I can use the ingredients I have in stock at home and it’s healthy since 

Fried root vegetable salad

Fried root vegetable salad

About fried root vegetable salad Fried root vegetable salad is a salad of root vegetables fried in oil and put together with leafy vegetables.  Sliced ​​and fried root vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, lotus roots, burdock roots, etc.) become crispy like vegetable chips.  These add a different texture 

Teriyaki mayo chicken salad

Teriyaki mayo chicken salad

My family favorite, Teriyaki mayo chicken salad In this post I would like to share teriyaki mayo chicken salad.  As the name suggests, teriyaki chicken is coated with garlic mayonnaise and placed on a salad bed.  One day I saw the recipe on a Japanese cooking website